by Martina Boone | Aug 31, 2011 | Imported from AYAP
Jessica Corra, today’s guest, eats, sleeps, and breathes words. Really, she’s only nominally crazy. In real life, she has a degree in English/Creative Writing which qualifies her to type really fast and point out your comma splices. She lives in...
by Martina Boone | Aug 30, 2011 | Imported from AYAP
I love to blog about books and writing. I do. And I love the amazingly warm and supportive writing community on Twitter, although when I’m writing or knee deep in the quicksand of (gulp) actual work, I have to resort to Tweeting vicariously through Google...
by Martina Boone | Aug 29, 2011 | Imported from AYAP
Is the Universe Hitting You Over the Head? photo via Arwen879 You know those times when you hear something, over and over, until you just know the universe is trying to tell you something? We’ll I’m having one of those months. Everywhere I turn around,... by Martina Boone | Aug 26, 2011 | Imported from AYAP
A Quick Request It came to my attention this week that Goodreads, which provides a wonderful service for both readers and authors, will let anyone add a book, and let them rate it, even if the book isn’t available in anything except manuscript form....
by Martina Boone | Aug 25, 2011 | Imported from AYAP
Winner First and foremost, the winner of Libba Bray’s BEAUTY QUEENS is LisaPotts. Lisa, please email me your addy and I will get that out to you next week. If you didn’t win, I highly recommend you pick up this amazing book. If you’re a Libba Bray...
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