by Martina Boone | Sep 29, 2012 | Imported from AYAP
The October First Five Pages Workshop will be mentored by the lovely P.J. Hoover, and we’ll take the first five 1250-word YA or MG entries that match all of the submission requirements listed here starting at noon on 11/6/2012. Get your manuscripts ready! ABOUT...
by Martina Boone | Sep 28, 2012 | Imported from AYAP
THIS WEEK’S GIVEAWAY The Hallowed Onesby Laura Bickle Katie is on the verge of her Rumspringa, the time in Amish life when teenagers can get a taste of the real world. But the real world comes to her in this dystopian tale with a philosophical bent. Rumors of...
by Martina Boone | Sep 27, 2012 | Imported from AYAP
Today’s guest is the lovely Joan Swan, an award-winning author of sexy romantic suspense, who occasionally throws in a paranormal twist or two for some extra spark. In her day job, she works as a sonographer at UCSF Medical Center. She lives on the central...
by Martina Boone | Sep 26, 2012 | Imported from AYAP
Today’s WOW guest is Janci Patterson, whose first novel, CHASING THE SKIP, debuts on October 2nd, 2012 from Henry Holt. Janci lives in Orem, Utah, with her husband and daughter. When she’s not writing, she manages her husband’s painting business and... by Martina Boone | Sep 25, 2012 | Imported from AYAP
“You cherry-pick events that are relevant to the story question and construct a gauntlet of challenge (read: the plot) that will force the protagonist to put his money where his mouth is. Think baptism by ever-escalating fire.” Lisa Cron “Baptism by...
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