by Martina Boone | Oct 28, 2011 | Imported from AYAP
After the Sale Matt Staggs Launches Free Book Pitch Service [GalleyCat] Interesting. Six Prescriptions to Cure the Heartbreak of Being Published [] Reality check. Book Reviews SURRENDER Cover Reveal!! [YA Author Elana Johnson] The Essentials of...
by Martina Boone | Oct 26, 2011 | Imported from AYAP
Click on the Puzzle Piece for a Chance to Win! In law school, I was taught that there’s a difference between a lawyer and an attorney. A lawyer is qualified to engage in the practice of law, while an attorney is engaged in the practice of law for somebody... by Martina Boone | Oct 25, 2011 | Imported from AYAP
You know what to do! Comment kindly and constructively on each other’s work. Be honest though. Since we’re getting down to the wire, it’s okay to start looking at word choices that throw us out of the story. BUT if there are still bigger issues in... by Martina Boone | Oct 25, 2011 | Imported from AYAP
Chapter One What had started as an ordinary Thursday was quickly turning into something else. And it wasn’t even third period yet. The muscles in Shea’s legs were jittering now, like little electric shocks were coursing through them. His whole body had flipped into... by Martina Boone | Oct 25, 2011 | Imported from AYAP
Name: Jenny Kaczorowski Genre: Young Adult Urban Fantasy Dark shadows flickered at the corners of Emma’s vision as she watched mourners gather around the fresh grave at the base of the hill. They clung to one another, finding comfort in knowing they didn’t mourn...
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