by Adventures in YA Publishing | Aug 29, 2014 | Imported from AYAP
Ever wondered how those amazing book collaborations happen as if by magic? We did too! So here’s a great story from two of our favorite people about how they made that magic happen. What The Hale! By Elizabeth Langston and Lisa Amowitz Lisa Amowitz with...
by Lisa Gail Green | Aug 28, 2014 | Imported from AYAP
Lisa here with another AMAZING agent for you to get to know! So please welcome Melissa Edwards from the Aaron M. Priest Literary Agency. Melissa L. Edwards is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis and Vanderbilt Law School. She is a member in good...
by Lisa Gail Green | Aug 27, 2014 | Imported from AYAP
Sometimes picking the narrator for our story isn’t so cut and dry. Today we have special guest, Author Sarah Skilton, to explain how she chose the narrator for her novel, BRUISED. In BRUISED, my contemporary Young Adult novel, the narrator is...
by Martina Boone | Aug 26, 2014 | Imported from AYAP
Confession time. I’m petrified of failing, so rejection–any kind of rejection–kills me. That being the case, you’d think I’d have picked different line of work, right? Surviving rejection is pretty much the author’s job description.... by Lisa Gail Green | Aug 25, 2014 | Imported from AYAP
Our 50 entries are now posted on the contest website. Please visit, read, and comment. I’m sure I dont have to remind anyone, but please make sure your comments are constructive and polite. This is the best part because we can all help each other! The...
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