by Jan Lewis | Aug 31, 2013 | Imported from AYAP
Wasn’t that wonderful news from Clara Kensie last week about her book deal with the new digital imprint of Harlequin Teen? I’m so happy she can finally announce it and start getting you all excited about her book. I don’t know about you, but...
by Jan Lewis | Aug 30, 2013 | Imported from AYAP
YA BOOK GIVEAWAYS THIS WEEK * * * * The Outside by Laura Bickle Hardcover Giveaway Harcourt Children”s Books Released 9/3/2013 After a plague of vampires was unleashed in the world, Katie was kicked out of the safe haven of her Amish community for her refusal to...
by Jan Lewis | Aug 29, 2013 | Imported from AYAP
Here are bucket lists for Cate, Maura, and Tess. Of course – if the prophecy of the last oracle is correct, one of them will die at her sister’s hand before the dawn of the 20th century… CATE’S BUCKET LIST 1. Protect my sisters 2. Make New...
by Jan Lewis | Aug 28, 2013 | Imported from AYAP
We are so excited to have Lisa and Laura Roecker on the blog today. They call themselves the Kardashians of the Young Adult writing world only smarter, funnier and with significantly smaller bank accounts. Thanks so much for being here, ladies! Stop Messing Around and...
by Jan Lewis | Aug 27, 2013 | Imported from AYAP
I remember in University as a theatre major there was this one fellow student in my class who would take copious notes as our instructors would explain the point of a certain acting exercise. He would then raise his hand and ask something along the lines of: “If I do...
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