by Jan Lewis | Dec 31, 2013 | Imported from AYAP
Today, we have another awesome giveaway from Martina’s publisher, Simon Pulse, who has very kindly given us a number of books to share with you. This is the second of three great giveaways to celebrate the end of a great year and the start of a new one....
by Adventures in YA Publishing | Dec 31, 2013 | Imported from AYAP
Carolyn Meyer is the much loved author of the Royal Diaries, my personal favourite of which was Anastasia when I was a little girl. Her newest young adult novel tells the story of Hermione and Helen of Troy. Please welcome Carolyn Meyer! Downsizing Your Novel: What To...
by Adventures in YA Publishing | Dec 30, 2013 | Imported from AYAP
Dyan Sheldon is a prolific YA writer, and wrote the much loved CONFESSIONS OF A TEENAGE DRAMA QUEEN series. ONE OR TWO THINGS I LEARNED ABOUT LOVE has been rereleased in North America and already is a big hit! Please welcome Dyan Sheldon! Make Your Opening Line A...
by Clara Kensie | Dec 29, 2013 | Imported from AYAP
Before we start with the Question of the Week… I’m pleased to announce the winner of my RUN TO YOU Cover Reveal Celebration Giveaway of a signed hardcover of THE TESTING by Joelle Charbonneau! Jeri Baird! Congratulations, Jeri! I’ll ship the...
by Adventures in YA Publishing | Dec 28, 2013 | Imported from AYAP
This Week’s YA Novel Giveaway Looking Back on 2013 Simon Pulse, Martina’s publisher, has very kindly given us a number of books to share with you. Between now and the first of the year, we will be doing a series of three great giveaways to celebrate the...
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