by Martina Boone | Jan 31, 2012 | Imported from AYAP
“If you’ve a story, make sure it’s a whole one, with details close to hand. It’s the difference between a good lie and getting caught.” ~ Tamora Pierce Details build your story world, and by sharing with the reader what details a... by Martina Boone | Jan 27, 2012 | Imported from AYAP
Clara’s Favorites YES! The tone of your social media should reflect the tone of your work. Jennifer Represents…: The Fine Art of Zipping It, or XYZ PDQ Test your grammar skills! How many did YOU get right? Artzicarol Ramblings: THIS IS A TEST: Polish Your... by Martina Boone | Jan 25, 2012 | Imported from AYAP
Megan (that’s with a long “e”) Bostic is a mere human trying to find her place in the universe. Despite the rain and gray (she’s truly solar powered) making her extremely angsty, she’s lived in the Pacific Northwest her whole life, and still does, with her two crazy...
by Martina Boone | Jan 24, 2012 | Imported from AYAP
One of my favorite writing quotes of all time is from Rudyard Kipling, something about the back kitchen of your consciousness. To my chagrin, I don’t remember exactly where it’s from and Google, for once, fails me completely. But you get the point.... by Martina Boone | Jan 20, 2012 | Imported from AYAP
Thanks to the Miami conference and a brand, shiny new upper respiratory infection that has kicked me on my a$$, I am late to the show with this week’s Round-up. And the fact that it exists at all is 100% thanks to the brilliant, lovely Clara Kensie, who has been...
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